The Future is Unlimited

Fraser Hamilton

Well Intervention Wizard

With a very particular set of skills.

Accurate Simulations
Detailed Analysis
Thorough Training
Evangelical Sales
Advanced Development
Creative Design


Math & Science Dux

Top of the class!

– 1992 –

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours)

Escalating the math & science into a formal degree.

– 1997 –

Well Intervention Modelling Expert

From Field Engineer to onshore Data Analyst, garnering substantial experience.

– 2004 –

Master of Business Administration

From Sales Engineer to Regional Manager, solidifying the experience in a degree.

– 2012 –

Technology Entrepreneurship

Preparing to break the glass ceiling and go out on my own.

– 2013 –

Software Product Development Management

Bridging the skills gap from Technology Specialist (sales) to Product Development & Global Technical Support.

– 2017 –

Patented Inventor

SMART Planner built and commercialized.

– 2019 –

Wireline Modelling Guru

Global Advisor.

– 2020 –



SMART Planner

Designed and led the development through commercialisation of the most advanced wireline simulation software to date.


Creating a workflow that reduces time from inputs to outputs.


Functionality that provides greater insight.


Presenting complex results in simple formats.


Advanced field data uploads to validate new functionality.
Product Owner (client side)

Impact Selector

Consulted with the creative director on layout and content during a ground-up website redesign to provide the best possible user experiences for different visitor types using a modern aesthetic.

Eastern Hemisphere


Over a decade spent using, selling and training others on well intervention modelling software.


Championing the value of pre job modeling and post job improvement cycles


A conduit for personal & user experiences, focused into product development.

Power User

An expert in functionality and it's relationship with real world scenarios.


Simple explanations of complex calculations, results and process.

+971 50 275 4530
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